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Banish Demon

From Curious Pastimes Wiki
Name Banish Demon
Vocals “By my power I disperse the powers of Spirit and the Elements that thou be dismissed from this place – Banish Demon [level]”
Call Banish Demon [level]
Range 30ft / 10m
Duration Instantaneous
Cost 2-10 magic points
Key Words Greater / Demonology
Description This spell may be used to destroy a single supernatural creature whose powers arise from the Demon Plane, including one currently possessing a host or bound into a physical object. The level of the banishment is equal to the magic points spent, up to a maximum of level 10; if this level is equal to or greater than the level of the target creature, the creature is destroyed.

With the use of an appropriate focus, two or more casters can combine their efforts to cast a more powerful banishment.

Skills Demonology

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