While the Curious Pastimes 2nd Edition ruleset is largely finalised we will continue to make minor tweaks. To provide feedback please fill in the google form located at: https://forms.gle/gJPgL9Q132Bsx6DHA

Blessing of Chance

From Curious Pastimes Wiki
Name Blessing of Chance
Cost 8 points
Prerequisites Greater Spiritual Spellcasting
Key Words Archetype / Magician / Magic Points
Description The character can, at a cost of 10 magic points, ask the spirits in their vicinity to influence the outcome of one purely random event (e.g. the ball draw for a Foraging or Gathering attempt) occurring to them or to one person within 30ft/10m of them, mentioned by name.

This does not involve spell vocals or a rite, but is an intuitive ability arising from the character’s connection to the spirits. They must declare the use of this skill in advance, and the request must be made audibly (although it can be made quietly, per covert casting).

After the character has used this power, they may require the ball draw (or coin toss, card draw, etc.) be made twice, and may then choose which outcome to occur. They may choose to make the outcome either better or worse!

The double draw is an out of character mechanic; the subject of this effect is not aware that anything different could have occurred unless under the effects of a relevant protective enchantment.

The number of magic points the character receives each day depends on how many skills they know that use them, see Magic Points and Work Units.

Progression None

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