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Cleanse Object

From Curious Pastimes Wiki
Name Cleanse Object
Vocals “By the power of the elements, I call upon Fire to scour this [identify object] that it may be clear of all taints – Cleanse Object”
Range 30ft / 10m
Duration 30 seconds
Cost 1 magic point
Key Words Lesser / Elemental
Description This spell destroys any poison or disease upon or within the target object, which can include food or drink. It also leaves no trace that the poison or disease was ever there, making this spell useful for poisoners concealing their crimes as well as for people wishing to protect themselves.

The target object may be no larger than the standard default size. An object made up of distinct parts but typically treated as a whole (e.g. as a chain shirt is made of links) counts as a single object. This spell will not function on items that are immune to direct magical effects, such as enchanted objects or those crafted from cold iron.

Skills Elemental Spellcasting

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