While the Curious Pastimes 2nd Edition ruleset is largely finalised we will continue to make minor tweaks. To provide feedback please fill in the google form located at: https://forms.gle/gJPgL9Q132Bsx6DHA


From Curious Pastimes Wiki
Name Distract
Vocals “By the power of the spirits I befuddle thy mind that thy eyes may not see me – Distract
Range 30ft / 10m
Duration 30 seconds
Cost 1 magic point
Key Words Lesser / Spiritual
Description The subject becomes unable to see or hear the caster, even if they are in full view, provided they do not come within 10ft/3m of the subject.

If at any point the caster approaches to within 10ft/3m of the subject, or takes any action with the potential to cause physical damage against them (though not against any other person), the spell immediately ends.

This spell may be resisted by the skill Iron Will.

Skills Spiritual Spellcasting

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