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From Curious Pastimes Wiki
Name Extension
Vocals “By my exalted might, I call upon the powers of Life, the Elements and Spirit to prolong the working I now perform – Extension”
Call Extended
Range Special
Duration 1 minute
Cost 10 magic points
Key Words Exalted / Fundamental
Description This spell allows the caster to increase the duration of another lesser, greater or exalted spell to ten minutes, if applicable. The extended spell must be cast within one minute of casting Extension.

To indicate the longer duration, the caster must preface the name (or call) of the extended spell with the call Extended.

The cost in magic points of casting this spell is separate from the cost of the spell to be extended.

Sir Aloysius Montgomery casts the spell Extension, followed a few seconds later by the spell Confusion.
He concludes the vocals for the latter spell with the call Extended Confusion on his target. His target must now act confused for ten minutes.
This costs Sir Aloysius 10 magic points for Extension, plus 1 magic point for Confusion, for a total of 11 magic points.
Skills None (i.e. this skill must be researched or acquired in play)
Extended Spells

Extension is a powerful, but magically costly, way to extend the duration of any spell known to the caster, but there are many ways to extend the durations of specific spells, including special training and research, various conjunctional magic routes and the use of invocation. As a rule, these routes are easier to learn than this spell, as well as more cost-effective.

By default, the call Extended increases a spell’s or effect’s duration to ten minutes; higher durations are possible by various routes, generally in the intervals one hour, four hours and until time out.

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