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Field of Tangles

From Curious Pastimes Wiki
Name Field of Tangles
Vocals “By my exalted might and the power of the elements, I call up Earth and Water to enmire this place as a Field of Tangles – Mass Entangle
Call Mass Entangle
Range 60ft / 20m
Duration 30 seconds
Cost 20 magic points
Key Words Exalted / Elemental / Combat
Description This spell allows the caster (or more usually a referee acting as directed by the caster) to call Mass Entangle, causing all creatures within a 30ft / 10m radius of the spell’s target to be trapped in place for the duration of the spell.

Characters able to continuously use the call Strength may continue to move freely, calling Strength when challenged to indicate why they are unaffected.

Note: As with any mass spell, this spell may be resisted or countered at the level of the individual effect (i.e. Entangle). Individuals can resist this spell with the skills Resist Magic and Resist Exalted Magic or counter it (for themselves only) with the spells Countermagic, Greater Countermagic and Nullify.

As with all mass spells, countering and resisting only defends one subject. Cancelling the whole spell requires a special item or ability.

Skills None (i.e. this skill must be researched or acquired in play)

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