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Fir Cruthen

From Curious Pastimes Wiki

Fir Cruthen live by word and deed; whilst written documents may hold little significance, the spoken word means everything. “Honour above all else” is their law and the many gods and dark histories are all they have to fear.

Death does not concern the Fir Cruthen, believing that they will pass to the Summer Lands and await their next birth on the cycle of the world. This can make them seem bold, fearless and even reckless as they charge their enemies. This is not to say life is cheap, merely that creating a legend is always important; to be remembered in song around the fire is the greatest of honours.

The Fir Cruthen are often lightly armoured, to the point that all that protects them is their painted woad; but this allows them to be an exceptionally mobile skirmishing force, even in the heaviest of combats.

Comprising the lands of Erin, Caledonia, Manx and Cymria the peoples are as varied as their tartans. Family groups often travel to fight alongside each other, whilst others wander the lands and find themselves inexplicably drawn to the warhost. As long as a person honours the Gods, and does not break the laws of the land, then they will be welcomed as family and given the unmistakable hospitality of the camp.

Not all are warriors, amongst the people the druids are looked to for guidance, their arts often mystical and strange, they use their revered positions to show the paths the Fir Cruthen are to tread, whilst bards of renown tell the stories of the past, sing of the legends of our time and speak with a free tongue. Some of those who travel are of the old noble houses, human and proud, who work alongside elves from the ancient and mystical forests.

Beastkin from the North, knights from the border lands and even rare trolls from darker corners accompany the warhost, for they all have some traits in common; they all come to carve their legend, to honour the gods and to be a part of something more – these are the traits that make them all Fir Cruthen.