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Grave Rot

From Curious Pastimes Wiki
Name Grave Rot
Contagion Contagious
Effects In the early stages of infection, this disease closely resembles Capricious Rot. The victim develops patches of tender skin around the body, developing into angry rashes.

The victim loses one physical hit from one location each hour, starting at the end of the first hour. Hits are lost in the order 'left arm, left leg, right leg, right arm, torso, head. This damage cannot be healed until the disease is cured.

Once the victim’s torso falls to zero hits, they are mortally wounded and must begin their death count.

Two minutes after the victim dies – whether killed by the disease or otherwise – they rise as an uncontrolled zombie (Corporeal Undead, Necromantic Level 2, two hits per location) still infected with Grave Rot, and attack the nearest living creature.

Grave Rot is a magical disease and cannot be cured by normal means. To cure it, the healer must first bathe the victim’s lesions with clean water steeped with one unit of agaric, and then cure the disease as normal.

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