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Hunter's Insight

From Curious Pastimes Wiki
Name Hunter’s Insight
Cost 8 points
Prerequisites Ranger
Key Words Archetype / Scout / Twice per day
Description Using this skill requires the character to observe the subject in combat at a range of 30ft/10m or less for at least two minutes. After that time, the character may ask the subject (or attending referee) the creature's special attacks, defences and weaknesses, if any. It does not reveal a supernatural creature's level, nor any powers not specific to combat, but otherwise functions per the various Discern Nature spells (e.g. Discern Nature of Undead).

This ability does not reveal a creature's unique death condition (including if they have a named weapon), although it will reveal that the creature has a death condition.

See Information Gathering for more on information-gathering skills.

Progression Hunter’s Mark

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