While the Curious Pastimes 2nd Edition ruleset is largely finalised we will continue to make minor tweaks. To provide feedback please fill in the google form located at: https://forms.gle/gJPgL9Q132Bsx6DHA

Immune to Body Effect

From Curious Pastimes Wiki
Name Immune to [Body Effect]
Cost 6 points per immunity
Prerequisites Iron Body
Key Words Archetype / Scout or Warrior / Permanent
Description The character becomes immune to one body effect from the following list:
  • Blinding
  • Fumble
  • Mute
  • Paralysis

This immunity applies to both magical and mundane effects, but not to disease or poison (for that, see Immune to [Disease] and Immune to [Poison] ).

This skill may be taken multiple times, choosing one call from the above list each time.

Note: Any character may possess a maximum total of three immunities of all kinds.

Progression None

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