While the Curious Pastimes 2nd Edition ruleset is largely finalised we will continue to make minor tweaks. To provide feedback please fill in the google form located at: https://forms.gle/gJPgL9Q132Bsx6DHA


From Curious Pastimes Wiki
Name Oracle
Cost 4 points
Prerequisites Spiritual Spellcasting
Key Words Archetype / Magician / Magic Points
Description The character can, at a cost of 5 magic points, ask the spirits in their vicinity a question on any topic and receive an answer. This does not involve spell vocals or a rite, but is an intuitive ability arising from the character’s connection to the spirits.

How long the reply takes, and how accurate or relevant the answer, may vary depending on the question; keep in mind that the spirits in the character’s vicinity might just not know the answer! In some cases, the spirits may even be moved to lie or mislead. If the subject of the question is spiritually powerful themselves, they will likely sense the question, and may respond or interfere.

In what form the reply comes – a vision, card draws, runestones etc. – may reflect the character’s magical method, but regardless of form, the answer is always allusive or allegorical, and requires some interpretation.

See Information Gathering for more on information-gathering skills.

The number of magic points the character receives each day depends on how many skills they know that use them, see Magic Points and Work Units.

Progression None

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