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Purge Poison

From Curious Pastimes Wiki
Name Purge Poison
Vocals “By my power let the Fountain of Life flow though me and purge the poison [state poison] from this creature’s body – Purge Poison”
Range Touch
Duration Instantaneous
Cost 2 magic points
Key Words Greater / Corporeal
Description This spell instantly removes a single specified poison from the subject’s body.

The caster may first determine what poison(s) present in the subject by casting Diagnosis or by examining them with the equivalent surgical ability, or they may be told this information by another spellcaster or surgeon, or they may proceed from an assumption that the subject is poisoned. If the specified poison is not present in the subject’s body, this spell has no effect.

Purging a magical poison may have additional requirements beyond casting this spell. If the caster does not know these requirements, they can be gathered by various means, including ritual divination, plot interaction and the Analysis rite.

The symptoms of the poison, if any, immediately end when the poison is purged, although any damage taken must still be healed.

Skills Greater Corporeal Spellcasting

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