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Sense Threats

From Curious Pastimes Wiki
Name Sense Threats
Vocals “Let the spirits reveal to me what malice lurks in the hearts of those around me – Sense Threats”
Range Self / Touch
Duration Instantaneous
Cost 1 magic point
Key Words Lesser / Spiritual
Description The subject becomes aware if any sentient creature visible to them within 30ft/10m has any hostile intent towards them.

For this spell, “hostile intent” is the intention to inflict lasting physical harm on the subject at any point the same day; the spell does not pick up on subtler or longer-term intentions.

The subject must clearly declare Sense Threats, and any visible sentient creature who intends them harm must then reveal that intent.

Both the call and responses occur out of character; persons other than the subject do not know in character what the spell has revealed (e.g. if they did not hear it being cast).

Skills Spiritual Spellcasting

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