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Spirit Wrack

From Curious Pastimes Wiki
Name Spirit Wrack
Vocals “By my exalted might and the power of the spirits, let thy worthless soul be rent by depthless suffering – Spirit Wrack
Call Spirit Wrack
Range 60ft / 20m
Duration 1 minute
Cost 10 magic points
Key Words Exalted / Spiritual
Description The target experiences intense suffering for the duration of the spell. This is a spiritual anguish, rather than physical pain, although the difference may be academic to those who feel this spell’s wrath.

The victim decides how to roleplay this effect: some writhe in screaming agony on the floor, some curl up in a silent ball, or moan in dread and horror.

Regardless of the specific effect, they are unable to speak, act or defend themselves for the duration.

Skills Exalted Demonology, Exalted Necromancy, Exalted Spiritual Spellcasting

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