While the Curious Pastimes 2nd Edition ruleset is largely finalised we will continue to make minor tweaks. To provide feedback please fill in the google form located at: https://forms.gle/gJPgL9Q132Bsx6DHA

Template:Raw Ingredients

From Curious Pastimes Wiki
Material Rarity Material Rarity Material Rarity
Abscess Root C Digitalis C Muira puama C
Acacia C Fenugreek C Nux vomica C
Acorn C Fireweed C Oidium sano C
Agaric C Gelsemium C Raknid Blood C
Agrimony C Gentian C Rosemary C
Amaranth C Grave root C Scarlet radish C
Ammoniacum C Hawthorn C Scopolia C
Belladonna C Hellebore C Skullcap C
Benne C Hemlock C Spider Venom C
Beth root C Hyssop C Spikenard C
Black horehound C Jambul seeds C Stag Horn C
Black mushroom C Jewel weed C Sweet geranium C
Box leaves C Lotus Leaves C Unicorn Horn C
Bugle C Lucerne C Viper Venom C
Cayenne C Lycopodium C White bryony C
Chokeweed C Majoram C White horehound C
Colewort C Master wort C Yellow fungus C
Comfrey C Mistletoe C
Cumin seeds C Moon flower seeds C