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True Sight

From Curious Pastimes Wiki
Name True Sight
Vocals “By my exalted might and the power of the Spirits, I rend the veil and look upon the true faces of all I behold – True Sight”
Range 60ft / 20m
Duration 1 minute
Cost 10 magic points
Key Words Exalted / Spiritual / Information
Description For the duration of the spell, the caster can see any creature within the radius, including normally unseen spirits (per Detect Spirits) and creatures (other than constructs) concealed by the skills Chameleon or Move in Cover or the spell Invisibility.

In addition, within the duration, the caster may concentrate on any creature within range and see their “true spiritual nature.” This reveals whether the creature is:

  • A demon, undead, spirit, creature of Hope or creature of Mastery
  • A fae or shapeshifter
  • Possessed, disguised or glamoured

Unlike Discern Spiritual Nature, this spell does not reveal any creature’s level or powers.

The caster may concentrate on any number of creatures within the duration of the spell, but only one at a time.

Skills Exalted Spiritual Spellcasting

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