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Reflective Shield

From Curious Pastimes Wiki

Reflective Shield

Vocals By my exalted might, I call upon the powers of Life, the Elements and Spirit to raise a fortress of magic about to repel paltry sorceries – Reflective Shield
Call Reflective Shield
Range Self / Touch
Duration 1 minute
Cost 10 magic points
Key Words Exalted Fundamental
Description For the duration of the spell, any lesser or greater spells (or equivalent magical effects) targeting the subject – including any beneficial spells – are reflected back on the source, leaving the shielded character unaffected. The subject should respond to any such effect with the call Reflect.

If the subject is targeted by any exalted spell (or equivalent effect), the shield counters the spell and collapses, immediately ending. If it is a mass spell, it counters the spell for the subject only (per Countermagic).

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