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Call Spirit

From Curious Pastimes Wiki

Call Spirit

Name Call Spirit
Length Short (2 Minutes)
Range Special
Duration 10 minutes
Cost 2 magic points
Material Cost 1 unit of chalk
Key Words Spiritual
Description The caster calls the attention of an active free spirit in the vicinity. If the caster clearly identifies a target spirit in the area, that spirit is called (if the indicated spirit is not in the area or is dormant, the rite has no effect); if the caster does not specify a target spirit, the rite calls the nearest active free spirit.

For the duration of the rite, the caster and the spirit can converse freely, even if the caster is normally unable to see and hear spirits or the spirit is unable – or unwilling – to materialise or otherwise become perceptible. By default, the spirit is willing to talk and interested in what the caster has to say, although this may vary depending on the spirit’s circumstances and history.

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