While the Curious Pastimes 2nd Edition ruleset is largely finalised we will continue to make minor tweaks. To provide feedback please fill in the google form located at: https://forms.gle/gJPgL9Q132Bsx6DHA


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Revision as of 22:00, 13 September 2024 by Kayleigh.whybrow (talk | contribs)

This section deals with what happens to characters transitioning from the current ruleset to the new 2nd Edition rules.

What happens to my character?

Our developers are hard at work updating the account page of the Curious Pastimes website. We anticipate this to be completed before Christmas.

As part of this update, all players will automatically be given the points that currently exist on their character - for the majority of cases, this will be 20 points plus 8 experience points for every vet pick.

Once these points are have been issued to player accounts, you will then need to create a character using the 2nd Edition rules. For the vast majority of players, the process will be as simple as this!

At a basic level, these rules are:

  • A character starts with 20 experience points to spend on general and archetype skills.
  • No normal mortal character can have more than 100 experience points total, including their initial 20 points.
  • All progression via experience, training, research or magical investment counts towards a character’s point total, with the sole exception of abilities granted by divine blessings (faction specials).

Note: You don’t have to spend all your points up front; unspent points may be held back for later use.

Do I have to stay as my current character? Can I play something new?

You can opt to continue playing your current character, albeit it re-spec’d in line with the 2nd Edition rules or to create something completely new using the points issued back to your account, as described above.

If a new character is created then the existing character will be deemed to be retired.

What if I don’t like what I’ve chosen?

We understand that there is a lot of change with the 2nd edition. As such archetypes and skills can be adjusted or completely discarded and new ones chosen for up to one year following the reissue of points.

After this time, in-character routes exist in play to forget skills or re-spend points, usually at some cost, difficulty or danger.

If you have an out of character reason for wanting to change skills (e.g. becoming a non-combatant due to health or mobility), please get in touch with the Game Organisation Desk to discuss options at any point.

I have a Special Character Card - What do I do?

There is a little complexity for those who have special characters or abilities outside of the existing vet pick system. These include but are not limited to:

  • Deals undertaken with entities.
  • Research
  • Ritual
  • Training

Generally, there are two options available to you:

  1. We will convert the ability/skill to the equivalent value of experience points. This will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine the XP owed and can be spent in accordance to the character creation rules.
  1. Continue to maintain using the special character rules here: Special Characters

Note: this route is temporary and will require regular maintainance. For abilities gained via the ritual circle please also note the introduction of Ritual Bonds:

What about the things I’ve learned via training and research?

Abilities and knowledge learned through training and research are earned via study units and will ultimately have a value which counts towards your characters point cap. (see: Training_and_Research)

This is not to say that every single recipe or researched rite will cost XP. Instead research and training will unlock quadrants of knowledge which cost a pre-set amount of XP per skill level at the culmination of the requisite study units being invested.

We are still mapping out existing research to these quadrants and expect this to be completed in line with the reissue of points before Christmas so that you can make an informed decision about how to create your character and what knowledge your character maintains in the new rules and what XP this ultimately costs.

Note: Research and training pathways are intrinsically linked to in character learning and progression. As such if you continue with your current character you can transition down your current path and maintain your existing skill level.

For those in the midst of research and training projects, all current progress will be rolled over to the new system and re-costed in line with the 2nd Edition rules. We will share further details regarding how to check on the status of your particular project in due course.

If you opt to transition to a new pathway, or to start a new character, you will not be able to start at your current skill level and instead will be placed at the novice skill level of your chosen path. We will issue a study unit discount for the new pathway for a period of time after transition, in recognition of the prior effort expended.

What happens if my character abilities fall outside of the above?

Please get in touch with us and we will be happy to discuss your particular circumstance and the options available to you. Further details on how will be supplied in a later post.

My character is over 100 points, what happens?

No normal character can exceed 100 experience points total, including their initial 20 points. If on rebuilding your character you find that you are over the points cap, we will allow you to bank half the value of points left over, to use on your next character. These points can only be used for your next character and cannot be transferred. You can only bank those which exceed the points cap, and cannot opt to bank points to bring you below the threshold.

To utilise the banked points you will need to contact us at info@curiouspastimes.co.uk so that we can apply this to your next character.

I think I have been given the wrong points, what do I do?

Please get in touch with us and we will be happy to discuss your particular circumstance.