While the Curious Pastimes 2nd Edition ruleset is largely finalised we will continue to make minor tweaks. To provide feedback please fill in the google form located at: https://forms.gle/gJPgL9Q132Bsx6DHA


From Curious Pastimes Wiki


Vocals Let the Fountain of Life flow through me to diagnose that which ails this living creature – Diagnosis
Call Diagnosis
Range Touch
Duration Instantaneous
Cost 1 magic point
Key Words Lesser Corporeal
Description The caster learns whether the target creature’s corporeal pattern is impaired, and by what cause, including injury, disease, poison or body effect, either magical or mundane. The spell will also reveal the name and specific effects (including contagion or other mechanical traits) of the affliction(s), and whether they are likely to be fatal if left untreated. The caster knows if a poison or disease is magical, but discovering the specific requirements to cure it will depend on further investigation (e.g. via the Analysis rite).

At the attending referee’s discretion, this spell may reveal other information, including identifying surgical alterations, observing the effects of potions or the influence of strong magic, discerning the causes of scars or establishing the subject’s parentage.

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