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Spellcasters, enchanters, summoners and necromancers, ritualists and oracles – Magicians are scholars who channel magic and work miracles.

From powerful healers and flame-hurling battle mages to canny summoners and the creators of intricate scrolls and wands, magicians wield powers beyond the ken of mortal folk.

Spellcasting skill paths include the three spheres:

  • corporeal magicians that heal and harm,
  • elemental magicians that change, move and destroy,
  • spiritual magicians that govern spirits and influence minds,

and the three conjunctional magics

  • dealing with elemental and oathbound creatures via demonology,
  • the undead via necromancy, or
  • soulless constructs via thaumaturgy.

Beyond these are two disciplines concerned with weaving subtler, more enduring enchantments, creating charged charms and talismans via invocation or channelling the vast powers of the leylines via ritual magic.

Advice for Magician Characters

Almost every magician learns some spellcasting, and most will pursue at least one sphere to greater level. Many magicians pick up one level of Ritual Magic, to enable them to contribute to rituals. Extra Magic Points are essential.

Combat spellcasters can conserve magic by taking Iron Will or Resist Magic to save them from having to counter enemy spells.

Invokers may dip into crafting skills including Artisan for scrolls and trinkets or Alchemist for inks, although it’s generally more effective to collaborate with dedicated creators.


All characters automatically gain the following skills:

  • Bulleted list item

Add free skills here with links to the details

They can also access any of the General Skills (link) which include:

Charm Invocation

  • Talisman Invocation (5 points)
    • Sigilistic Invocation (5 points)

Corporeal and Elemental Spellcasting

  • Thaumaturgy (8 points)
    • Exalted Thaumaturgy (12 points)

Corporeal Spellcasting

  • Greater Corporeal Spellcasting (8 points)
    • Corporeal Resistance (8 points)
    • Diamond Body (8 points)
    • Exalted Corporeal Spellcasting (12 points)
    • Fast Healing (8 points)

Corporeal and Spiritual Spellcasting

  • Necromancy (8 points)
    • Exalted Necromancy (12 points)

Elemental Spellcasting

  • Greater Elemental Spellcasting (8 points)
    • Exalted Elemental Spellcasting (12 points)
    • Gift of Air (8 points)
    • Gift of Earth (8 points)
    • Gift of Fire (8 points)
    • Gift of Water (8 points)

Elemental and Spiritual Spellcasting

  • Demonology (8 points)
    • Exalted Demonology (12 points)
    • Demonic Insight (5 points)

Ritual Magic

  • Greater Ritual Magic (6 points)
    • Higher Ritual Magic (6 points)

Spiritual Spellcasting

  • Greater Spiritual Spellcasting (8 points)
    • Blessing of Chance (8 points)
    • Exalted Spiritual Spellcasting (12 points)
    • Oracle (8 points)
    • Unbreakable Will (8 points)

Extra Magic Points(1+ points)

    • up to 10 extra magic points

Iron Will

  • Immune to Mind Effect (6 points)
    • Maximum of 3 immunities

Resist Magic

  • Resist Exalted Magic (8 points)

Magician Study Paths

Although there is scope for training in magical gifts and skills, much magical progression is in researching new and improved magical techniques, especially rites.

Study paths include the following:

  • Corporeal Sorcery
  • Elemental Sorcery
  • Spiritual Sorcery
  • Demonology
  • Necromancy
  • Thaumaturgy
  • Invocation
  • Ritual Magic

Priest Characters

There’s no “religious” archetype, covering priests and paladins who channel the powers of the gods. This is mostly because the gods themselves choose to whom they grant their boons; it’s not up to mortals to train for these powers, so much as to make themselves worthy of them.

That said, players interested in this type of character have a number of routes open to them to seek out the approval of the gods.

Spiritual Sorcery: Spiritual spellcasters can research rites allowing them to call out to powerful spirits, dedicate shrines to them and make offerings to them, creating a connection through which a spirit may grant blessings.

Ritual Magic: Ritual magicians can learn how to access places of power such as holy shrines, in the same way they can open and draw on ritual circles, praying to the gods to grant them miracles in the name of their flocks.

Faction Specials: Every faction offers tests and trials to become special characters with powers granted by the gods, or by the beliefs of the community.

All of these paths require the character to demonstrate strong and persistent faith; in many cases the gods may require the character to adhere to particular moral values.

Example Magicians

Cosmologist (magician) Showing promise in the village school, the cosmologist was chosen as an apprentice by a powerful sorcerer, but after a few frustrating years struck out on their own: the world is far too interesting to get bogged down in great enchantments. They just want to study and understand the universe, and apply their arts to cracking its mysteries.

Skills: Elemental Spellcasting (6), Intuition (5), Sense Magic (5), 4 unspent points

Description: Blue and black makeup around the eyes, speckled with stars; a worn, patched robe festooned with pockets and pouches full of notepaper, pens, eyeglasses and jars for collecting things to study.

Hierophant (magician)

A dedicated servant of the gods, the hierophant has spent years as a novice in a holy order, learning the ceremonies and observances of their church. Beyond learning mere ritual, though, they have learned to open their souls to the other world, speaking to the spirits of holy places – and listening to their answers.

Skills: Greater Spiritual Spellcasting (8), Ritual Magic (6), Spiritual Spellcasting (6)

Description: A sparkly white stripe across the eyes; heavy robes and a stole decorated with the symbols of their faith.

Summoner (magician)

Not all factions see demonology as evil, of course; the summoner is from a kingdom with a proud tradition in the art, and went to a college and studied under a master as did their forebears before them. But summoning and bargaining with demons isn’t for the faint-hearted – they must combine magical knowledge with ironclad resolve.

Skills: Demonology (8), Elemental Spellcasting (6), Spiritual Spellcasting (6)

Description: Purple skin with red highlights; long, immaculate robes dressed with mystical sigils.