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Invest Scroll

From Curious Pastimes Wiki
Name Invest Scroll
Length Short (2 Minutes)
Range Touch
Duration 1 year
Cost Special
Material Cost 1 unit of relevant powder for the sphere of the investment, one scroll inscribed with the spell in the relevant magical ink
Key Words Invocation
Description This rite is performed on one scroll, bearing an inscription for the investment (usually the spell’s title and vocal component) in a suitable magical ink for the intended spell.

The inscription can be written as part of the rite, or written in advance of investing, but note that inscribing a scroll determines the spell it is going to be invested with.

The scroll is invested with a single charge of one spell known to the invoker, represented by a tearable card given by the referee attending on the rite, which must be affixed to the scroll. The cost – and requirements in ink – vary depending on the level of the spell to be invested.

  • Lesser Scroll: Inscribing a lesser scroll uses one third of a pot of magical ink and costs 3 magic points.
  • Greater Scroll: Inscribing a greater scroll uses a whole pot of magical ink and costs 6 magic points.
  • Exalted Scroll: Inscribing an exalted scroll uses a whole pot of exalted ink and costs 30 magic points.

Once invested, the scroll counts as an enchanted item and is immune to spells that directly alter it. The investment lasts for a maximum of one year; at this time, or when the charge is expended, the scroll crumbles to dust.

Tattoos: This rite may be performed on a charm tattoo, made using the magical inks and invested at the cost in magic for an equivalent scroll. The tattoo is part of the bearer’s body and cannot be separately targeted by spells. Once the tattoo expires or the charge is expended, the tattoo fades.

Skills Charm Invocation

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