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Surgery Procedures

From Curious Pastimes Wiki

The following procedures are known to characters with the relevant skills. All procedures must be completed on a surgeon’s bed, and work units logged with a referee.

Procedure descriptions include the following details:

  • Ingredients: Any materials required to perform the procedure, including bandages, cloth and other materials, and blood and humours to replace the patient’s own.
  • Cost: The cost in work units that the surgeon must pay to complete the procedure.

Procedures Known By Skill

Surgeon Anatomist Physician Tattooist
Heal Body Graft Limb Cure Common Disease Charm Tattoo
Heal Location Transplant Organ Talisman Tattoo
Mundane Tattoo

Surgeon’s Bandages

Any surgeon can craft surgeon’s bandages at a cost of 3 work units for 3 bandages, from one cloth (O). Using a phys rep of relevant tools, a surgeon can consume bandages to perform limited healing, cleanse wounds or provide sanctuary in the field.

Item Skill Materials Work Units
Surgeon's Bandage (for 3) Surgeon 1 x Cloth (O) 3