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Spell List

From Curious Pastimes Wiki

Spell List

Fundamental Spells

Lesser Greater Exalted
Countermagic Greater Countermagic Disenchantment
Detect Magic Extension
Planar Shift
Reflective Shield


Lesser Greater Exalted
Cleanse Wound Banish Corporeal Cure All
Diagnosis Blinding Font of Healing
Discern Corporeal Nature Corporeal Weapon Inflict Disease
Enhancement Cure Affliction Poisoning
Fumble Cure Disease Regrowth
Lesser Healing Greater Healing Strength
Mute Harden Skin Total Heal
Painlessness Paralysis Touch of Death
Recovery Purge Poison
Retribution Sturdiness
Sanctuary Wounding


Lesser Greater Exalted
Discern Elemental Nature Aura of Defence Disintegrate
Entangle Banish Elemental Earth Shock
Identify Materials Dispel Elements Elemental Storm
Mend Elemental Bolt Exalted Armour
Open/Lock Elemental Weapon Field of Tangles
Repel Flare Invisibility
Shatter Heat Object Lightning
Strike Down Magic Armour Repel All
Magnetise Teleport
Repair Weapon of Power


Lesser Greater Exalted
Befriend Banish Spirit Aura of Fascination
Command Exorcism Cloud of Confusion
Confusion False Memory Spectral Form
Detect Spirits Sleep Spirit Storm
Discern Spiritual Nature Spirit Bolt Spirit Wrack
Distract Spirit Shield True Sight
Enthral Spiritual Weapon
Fear Succour
Forget Suggestion
Sense Threats
Spirit Reading


Banish Demon

Discern Nature of Demon

Identify Demon Mark


Banish Undead Discern Nature of Undead


Banish Construct Discern Nature of Construct

Aura of Defence

Vocals By my power and the power of the elements I encircle myself with a barrier of Air – Aura of Defence
Call No Effect when struck
Range Self
Duration 30 seconds
Cost 2 magic points

For the duration of the spell, the caster cannot be harmed by any mundane melee or missile weapon, i.e. any attack not accompanied by a magical damage type such as Corporeal or Artefact. Spells affect the caster normally, including damaging spells such as Elemental Bolt.

Effect calls delivered with a melee attack have no effect unless accompanied by a magical damage type as above, although the call Strength knocks the caster over even if the attack causes no damage (unless under the effects of a spell or ability to resist Strength or knockdown effects).

The spell is immediately broken, ending all protection, as soon as the caster takes any form of hostile action. Readying an attack (e.g. aiming a bow) doesn’t break the spell; nor do benevolent spells such as Lesser Healing or Purge Poison, or information spells such as Detect Magic.

While under the effects of this spell, the caster should repeat the out of character call No Effect when struck, to convey the effect to attackers.

Aura of Fascination

Vocals By my exalted might and the power of the spirits, I demand all who behold me to still their tongues and heed me
Call Mass Enthral
Range 60ft / 20m
Duration Until the caster stops speaking
Cost 20 magic points

This spell allows the caster to call Mass Enthral. All creatures within a 60 ft / 20 m radius of the caster at the time of casting become wholly engrossed in what the caster is saying, and are unable to take any action other than listening to the caster speak. If the caster moves away while the spell is in effect, enthralled creatures will follow them at a normal walk, although not into an obviously more dangerous situation than they are already in.

The effect requires the caster to speak continuously in comprehensible sentences. If they stop speaking for more than a couple of seconds or sustain any damage from any means, the spell ends immediately.

If any affected creature sustains any damage, the effects end for them only, freeing them to act as they wish. This spell may be resisted by the skill Iron Will.

Banish Construct

Vocals By my power let the powers of Life and the Elements abandon thee that thy form wither away – Banish Construct [state level]
Call Banish Construct Level x
Range 30ft / 10m
Duration Instantaneous
Cost 2-10 magic points

This spell may be used to destroy a single supernatural creature whose powers arise from the Plane of Constructs. The level of the banishment is equal to the magic points spent, up to a maximum of level 10; if this level is equal to or greater than the level of the target creature, the creature is instantly destroyed.

With the use of an appropriate focus, two or more casters can combine their efforts to cast a more powerful banishment.

Banish Corporeal

Vocals By my power let the life force that animates thee be drawn from thy form and returned to the Fountain – Banish Corporeal [state level]
Call Banish Corporeal Level x
Range 30ft / 10m
Duration Instantaneous
Cost 2-10 magic points

This spell may be used to destroy a single supernatural creature with substantial corporeal magic. The level of the banishment is equal to the magic points spent, up to a maximum of level 10; if this level is equal to or greater than the level of the target creature, the creature is instantly destroyed.

With the use of an appropriate focus, two or more casters can combine their efforts to cast a more powerful banishment.

Banish Demon

Vocals By my power I disperse the powers of Spirit and the Elements that thou be dismissed from this place – Banish Demon [state level]
Call Banish Demon Level x
Range 30ft / 10m
Duration Instantaneous
Cost 2-10 magic points

This spell may be used to destroy a single supernatural creature whose powers arise from the Demon Plane, including one currently possessing a host or bound into a physical object. The level of the banishment is equal to the magic points spent, up to a maximum of level 10; if this level is equal to or greater than the level of the target creature, the creature is instantly destroyed.

With the use of an appropriate focus, two or more casters can combine their efforts to cast a more powerful banishment.

Banish Elemental

Vocals By my power I draw from thee the Earth and Water that give thee form and the Air and Fire that animate thee – Banish Elemental [indicate target and level]
Call Banish Elemental Level x
Range 30ft / 10m
Duration Instantaneous
Cost 2-10 magic points

This spell may be used to destroy a single supernatural creature with substantial elemental magic. The level of the banishment is equal to the magic points spent, up to a maximum of level 10; if this level is equal to or greater than the level of the target creature, the creature is instantly destroyed.

With the use of an appropriate focus, two or more casters can combine their efforts to cast a more powerful banishment.

Banish Spirit

Vocals By my power and the power of the spirits, let the bond that ties thy spirit to this world be broken that thou begone – Banish Spirit [indicate target and level]
Call Banish Spirit Level x
Range 30ft / 10m
Duration Instantaneous
Cost 2-10 magic points

This spell may be used to destroy a single supernatural creature with substantial spiritual magic, including one currently possessing a host or bound into a physical object. The level of the banishment is equal to the magic points spent, up to a maximum of level 10; if this level is equal to or greater than the level of the target creature, the creature is instantly destroyed.

With the use of an appropriate focus, two or more casters can combine their efforts to cast a more powerful banishment.

Banish Undead

Vocals By my power I draw out the powers of Life and Spirit that animate thee that thou be destroyed – Banish Undead [state level]
Call Banish Undead Level x
Range 30ft / 10m
Duration Instantaneous
Cost 2-10 magic points

This spell may be used to destroy a single supernatural creature whose powers arise from the Plane of Undeath. The level of the banishment is equal to the magic points spent, up to a maximum of level 10; if this level is equal to or greater than the level of the target creature, the creature is instantly destroyed.

With the use of an appropriate focus, two or more casters can combine their efforts to cast a more powerful banishment.


Vocals By the power of the spirits I bind thy mind to mine in fellowship
Call Befriend
Range 30ft / 10m
Duration 30 seconds
Cost 1 magic points

For the duration of this spell, the subject views the caster as a dear friend and must act accordingly. Note that this spell doesn’t give the caster control of the subject, or alter their feelings towards anyone else, whether friend or foe.

This spell is not broken by hostile action against the subject by anyone other than the caster – although the target may become angry and confused that their “friend” is not coming to their aid – but if the caster takes any form of hostile action against them, the spell is instantly broken.

This spell may be resisted by the skill Iron Will.